Monday, June 29, 2015

TransAlps 2015: Day 2 Imst to Davos

Day 2. Imst, Austria to Davos, Switzerland.
136km. 3200m of climbing.
5:08. 22nd place in Masters.

Though we went backwards in the placing, moved forward with the quality of riding. Bad luck on the road, but spirits high.

Big decisions take place during the morning of these events. What color socks today, Wilbur?

Race start staging area was surround by big mountains. Hard to see in photos but makes me want to come back and ski in Austria.

Day started with 4km downhill neutral through the town of Imst. 700 school children lined the cobbled village streets waving flags. Very cool. Would have taken a photo but tight streets, big pack and downhill riding meant two hands on the wheel.

Following Wilbur's lead yesterday, did my part to keep up Euro-Canadian relations. Was bumped hard in the pack during the neutral and almost went down. Though a field of approximately 1000, tend to see the same riders on the road day-day. By the end of 7-days, hard to remember who've you've made friends with and who've you told to f-off.

We rode first 16km, 850km climb very well. Crested with a strong and fast group. Next up was fast downhill - high 80s km/hr. Unfortunately I flatted on the downhill. Getting a flat at high speeds can be dangerous. Fortunately flat was my rear wheel and on a straightaway. Had to futz with wheel/tire/tube and cost us 10min. Very untimely as the bottom of the descent was followed by 60kms of rolling terrain - why we wanted to be hitched to a fast pack. Instead we were stuck dragging slower riders for around 2hrs.

Hit the big climb to finish the day 13km, 1000m. Fleulapass is one of the most scenic of the event. Started strong but power slipped as climb went on. Wilbur stronger again today. The tell - he had time to shoot video and take selfies. 

Was feeling it towards the end of the final climb.

Tomorrow we leave Switzerland an are in Italy for days 4 through 7. Already thinking ahead to Day 4, Queens Stage (hardest of event).                                                                                                                                             

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