85km. 3000m.
Caloric consumption is key to a multi-day event. Motto is eat today for tomorrow. Very hard to recover from a bonk. Typically eat big breakfast, 750ml sports drink, 4 to 6 bars (or equivalent) on bike, 4 bottles with calorie mix on bike, sandwich/pasta at finish line, recovery drink at finish, beer and pizza (wheel) lunch, kuchen (dessert), multi course dinner and lastly, more kuchen.
What super skinny pro athletes eat for breakfast. Note this is round 2. Round 1 was at least as much.
Team Canada photo day. Joerg's buddy is an on course photographer and graciously disproportionately snaps photos of the Canadians. The cameras here are particularly fond of my race partner. I try to ride close so that I will also have some post event memorabilia.
See photo here. I'm entourage as partner does photo op with chief referee of the Swiss pro hockey league.
Wilf and Jamie killed it today. 7th on the stage and 10th overall in Masters category.
Arrived into the Dolomites. Unbelievable scenery defined by massive jagged rock peaks.
Have seen this team on the road throughout the first few days. Don't often see political statements on a bike jersey.
Lots of very steep climbing. Greater the grade, the more weight is a penalty. Partner rode like a champ. Again hit the passing lane on the final climb. Weather was starting to look dark so punched the gas a little to get us home and partner came with. Still looked tiptop at finish.
Even better when we headed out for lunch.
Deal I have with partner is I pull on the flats and he serves the post ride cappuccino.
Some believe that Europeans have better style than us in North America. Not sure about that.
We are one of your biggest fans reading your posts e every day and always greatfull that you are safe . We are at the Bay love mom and dad.