Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 7: Trento to Arco

101km. 2100m.

Finished very strong. 808km. 18,877m. 30hr48min. 123rd overall placing. 0 flats. 0 mechanicals. 0 crashes. Too much kuchen and a ton of laughs.

From a team perspective, Day 7 was probably my most fun day on a bike. The Canadian Express in our gleaming whites was full steam.

Rock stars, POW and Method man, decided to slum it with TNA 1 on the final day. After a 12km not really neutral (lead pack was smashed to pieces along the flats before the first climb) we had a 21km "double Cypress" to close things out. I declared that we were home free at 33km as a long descent, 20km gradual climb and 15km final descent were what remained.

We rode almost the entire final 68km with TNA 1/TNA 2 wheels 1 - 4. POW drilled it in on the front supplemented by a little help from his teammates. At times we picked up passengers but we were blowing past the stragglers and groupetos so quickly that they had little chance to catch on.

Our distinctive kit was well known at the Tour TransAlps and generally regarded as the best looking in the field. Many shouts of Canadian Express as we drove to the finish.

One of the most remarkable sights of the week is the first view of Lake Garda cresting Passo Bellino, the final pass of the event.

Soaked up the finishing atmosphere.

Broke down the bikes.

Went Riva-Arco-Riva to mark the event with a little celebrating.

2 1/2hours of sleep before my 4am airport pickup. Home Sunday.

Thanks Partner. Thanks TNA 2. Thanks Toby and Joerg. Thanks wife. Great times.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 6: Crespano Del Grappa to Trento

148km. 2800m.

Long day. Hot day.

Longest mileage day of the tour. 5hrs15min in the saddle. 39degrees at the finish. Rode steady and held our ground.

During a late spring training ride, Partner was given a hard time for his uncut leg hair. Fortunately he came around. This morning he knocked off some accumulated growth.

I used post breakfast/pre-ride time to limber up. 5days in the saddles creates some tightness.

Method man was jamming to go this morning.

Had a long, 25km neutral roll to start. Partner and I were surprised to ride up to Method man and POW. POW was not feeling it. We called an audible on course and I decided to rip it with Method while POW stayed with Partner.

Healthy 15km/1300m climb post neutral. 3minutes in I had not seen a power reading less than 400watts. I yelled this to Method man while I sat up and waited for Partner. He and POW came by shortly. We stayed together for the next 60km until POW felt good and took off.

Partner an I did not hit the passing lane as frequently today but held strong while others faded

Partner had to save gas for post-ride interviews.

Our fallen teammate Mikey was replaced by an unknown German (Kaya) days before the start of the tour. Turns out Kaya has won this event before. Might have something to do with his power to weight.

64th Herren team today and sitting 124/700+ teams overall.

One day to go. Can smell the barn now.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 5: Falcade to Crespano Del Grappa

129km. 3094m.

Big day. Great day.

Today's entry starts with last night. Ritual every evening at dinner, initiated by Method man - "rose and thorn". We go around the table with the highlight and lowlight from the day.

Last night's roses and thorns.

Method Man: pushing his partner uphill (rose), getting out-sprinted at the finish by his partner (thorn)

POW: getting pushed uphil by his partner (rose), getting pushed uphill by his partner (thorn)

Partner: best day ever on a road bike (rose), getting yelled at by cranky partner (thorn)

Me: moving up in the ranks and crushing teams (rose), getting cranky at partner (thorn)

Notice white speaker in the foreground. Next to the bike, best thing I brought on the trip. Not doing much for Canada's reputation abroad when we wake our non-cycling fellow hotel guests at 6:30am to Deadmau5.

Team TNA 2 going over final race plan.

Very hard stage today and we absolutely crushed it. Getting stronger each day. Left the Dolomites. Started on a 12km climb right off the line. Per usual, group surged and we held our effort steady. Again per usual, reeled in all the "clowns" on the descent.

I've been able to dupe partner in to actually racing this thing. No more stopping at aid stations. Hammer down.

With 75km and 1700m on the legs we hit the monumental Monte Grappa. 30km and 2hrs of climbing. As I told partner, only 1/2 a Haleakala. Saw this guy 5km into the climb. He parks his van on the final climb of each day and thumps Euro rock while playing an air guitar.

Top of Grappa was followed by the hairiest descent yet. 500m in saw a rider pulling himself and bike off the road. 500m later I lead into a negative radius corner way too hot. One foot out of right pedal, I was able to ride out on the gravel shoulder, inches from the guardrail. Fellow Canadian behind me not so lucky and ate the rail (he rode away). Fortunately partner saw it play out and was able to come through clean, though he did almost ride over the crash victim.

Dialed it back but still caught a group we finished with. Drilled it on a 7km false flat to the line, owning the nickname coined by some surrounding riders - the Canadian Express.

Fewest number of finishers in before us yet. Partner looking tip top.

Not so much for the rest of the gang.

Love traveling with a pro. He's always the first one at the hotel checkin desk post race.

Now that we're racing, tan management has gone to crap. Not 1, but 3 arm tan lines.

Partner riding like a champ and today's proclamation is that he's getting the most out of his body. Method man giving partner a rub down to ensure he (partner) gets just as much out of it tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 4: St. Vigil (It) to Falcade (It)

108km. 2600m.

Hump day. Moving day. Lay it down day.

4-days into the event, routine is well established.

6:15am wake up. Make bottles. Prepare bike food. Pack gear. Lay out kit. Breakfast. Shower. Suit up. Bags to hotel lobby for pick up. Roll out to start line. 9am gun.

Method man trying to calm himself prior to another day of getting attacked by his client and much older partner.

Great weather today. Partner has educated our team on the finer points of tan management. Technique includes feathering sun screen and adjusting leg/arm jersey line throughout the day.

Partner and I make up names for riders that leave an impression. "The Masher " needs to cold stretch his quads in order to prepare for a full day of riding at a cadence of less than 60rpm involving full body sway from side to side while bent over the bars.

Told today that stage was one of the most scenic in the TransAlps 10year history. Right through the heart of the Dolomites. Partner proclaimed best day on a bike. Amazing.

Would have taken more photos had I not dropped phone/camera. To clarify, it did not smash.

This was our day. Crushed it. Climbs were manageable and we out-descended those we climbed with. Love the descending. In 2010 the descents scared me. Partner from 2years ago had to wait at the bottom of every mountain. Now downhill is a total joyride. Nothing in YVR compares to this terrain. Hit 94km/hr today and then remembered promise to wife. Not much upside over 94km/hr. Quite a bit of downside.

On the final 7km climb into the finish partner flipped the left turn signal and hit the passing lane as we shelled teams off the back. Up in the standings and in before the teams we have sights on.

Wilf and I used to make fun of cyclists who looked like POWs. Now I make fun of Wilf. Speed has a price. I'm going to fat camp.

And one for the ladies.

Changing out brake pads post stage. Tried Wilf's method of carrying max speed into hairpin turns, sitting off the back wheel and hammering full breaks. Pads didn't like the new method.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 3: Brixen (It) to San Vigil (It)

85km. 3000m.

Caloric consumption is key to a multi-day event. Motto is eat today for tomorrow. Very hard to recover from a bonk. Typically eat big breakfast, 750ml sports drink, 4 to 6 bars (or equivalent) on bike, 4 bottles with calorie mix on bike, sandwich/pasta at finish line, recovery drink at finish, beer and pizza (wheel) lunch, kuchen (dessert), multi course dinner and lastly, more kuchen.

What super skinny pro athletes eat for breakfast. Note this is round 2. Round 1 was at least as much.

Team Canada photo day. Joerg's buddy is an on course photographer and graciously disproportionately snaps photos of the Canadians. The cameras here are particularly fond of my race partner. I try to ride close so that I will also have some post event memorabilia.

See photo here. I'm entourage as partner does photo op with chief referee of the Swiss pro hockey league.

Wilf and Jamie killed it today. 7th on the stage and 10th overall in Masters category.

Arrived into the Dolomites. Unbelievable scenery defined by massive jagged rock peaks.

Have seen this team on the road throughout the first few days. Don't often see political statements on a bike jersey.

Lots of very steep climbing. Greater the grade, the more weight is a penalty. Partner rode like a champ. Again hit the passing lane on the final climb. Weather was starting to look dark so punched the gas a little to get us home and partner came with. Still looked tiptop at finish.

Even better when we headed out for lunch.

Deal I have with partner is I pull on the flats and he serves the post ride cappuccino.

Some believe that Europeans have better style than us in North America. Not sure about that.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 2: Solden (At) to Brixen (It)

124km. 2980m.

Morning quote from partner, "this weather is harshing my mellow".

Wet start to the day. Lots of discussion re clothing. We had two vehicles on course at set points. This required lots of strategy as to what jackets, gloves, vests, etc. would be left where.

Very clear at the start line that some of these Euros are soft and don't ride in the rain. Saw garbage bags, baggy shorts and plastic pants.

Our show stopping white TNA kits not cut out for rain so we opted for Cafe Tommy's sharp Musette gear.

Big climbing day. Did this identical stage in 2010. 28km descent off the Timmelsjoch Pass and subsequent 20km climb up the Jaffen Pass are as good as it gets. Amazing scenery of lush valleys and hillside towns. Made sure to get photos this time.

Rode steady and stayed relatively dry. Passed a lot of riders during the final 10km of our last climb. Finished strong.

Brixen is a beautiful town with a central piazza. Enjoyed the refuel.

Lots of gear to clean. TL took care of the clothes in the sink while I gave the bikes a shower.

Hoping for no rain tomorrow.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 1: Mittenwald (De) to Solden (At)

115km, 2500m.

Race day. Lots of excitement. Teams TNA 1 and TNA 2 both had prime A block starting numbers thanks to Joerg of Magic Places. After day 1, all 1400 riders will start according to their overall placing. For day 1, team number dictates starting position.

If you watch the Tour De France you'll know that cyclist are permitted relief in public. Same at TransAlps.

Final pre-race strategy discussion

We agreed to selflessly work for these guys and deliver them to the base of the stage defining Kuhtai climb (we did).

Wilf is so badass. Nothing to do with the fact he crushes guys half of his soon to be 51 years. He wears serious bling (designed by his wife), despite the weight penalty.

Per plan, TL and I rode fairly hard up the starting 2km climb the served to break up the field. 20km to a good descent into Telfs. Those who came down after us said the road was littered with crashes. Why it's good to start up front.

After some big efforts in the valley, caught the lead pack containing TNA 2 (Wilf/Jamie) and made good on promise to deliver them to the bottom of the day's monster 23km climb - the Kuhtai pass. At times, the Kuhtai is over 2x the grade of Cypress. Road steady while we watched Wilf and Jamie accelerate away. Finished climb strong without burning matches we will need for later days.

Descending these mountains is a total thrill. We let rip off the Kuhtai and passed a number of teams on the 18km downhill.

Final component of ride was 30km of stepped uphill to the finish in Solden. We were alone for the first 15km. Not very efficient. Eventually we were sucked up by a big train that we rode to the finish.

Just under 4:05 for the day. 144/700 teams.

Post stage typically involves work on bike and body. After much mocking of my stretch routine, was able to convince partner to drain his legs. He'll thank me tomorrow when we climb 3000meters.

Forecast tomorrow is rain start to finish. None of us have done a day of this event in the rain. Two massive descents will be cold and slick. Ride safe and finish are the goals.